Music Austria Interview mit Rainer Krispel

«Das lässige Leben ist Arbeit, auch Musikarbeit“– Rainer Krispel über sein Buch „Musikarbeiter unterwegs“ im mica-Interview Hier geht’s zum Interview mit Rainer Krispel von MICA Austria mehr

from my life comment 7

„I have only browsed through the pages and now I have rivers pouring through my eyes, I think it will be a harder read than I expected. I think you have focused on the funny anecdotes when you have told me the stories in the past. In any case I am extremely grateful for this […] mehr

from my life comment 1

We gratefully acknowledge your gracious donation to our collection. Your book: «From my Life», constitutes an important contribution to our library. Your donation is particularly welcome because our library not only seeks to serve its readers today, but is a repository for published and book-form information about the Holocaust and related events for the generations […] mehr

from my life comment 2

On behalf of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, I would like to thank you for your donation of your biography, «From my life». Your donation will enrich the Library’s collection of materials on the history of the Holocaust. Researchers and scholars using the Library will no doubt benefit from this addition. US Holocaust Museum mehr

from my life comment 3

I just finished your fascinating book. These horrible years in Teresin I could take in small doses – from what I was able to imagine, this was a life-changing horror, in a way, life changing for me – from mere reading. You were forcibly re-wired then. I begin to grasp where your energy for life […] mehr

from my life comment 4

It’s so interesting and very moving to see the photographs and to read all the facts you remember, I’m very happy you did so. It is important for the next generation to hear from concrete and close family member what really happened on last century. From a reader mehr

from my life comment 5

I just finished reading your book, Thank you for writing it. I learned from it about things I did not know, mostly about the situation in Terezin after we left in the fall of 1944 and of course also about your life after the war. But most of all was impressed by your accomplishments, your […] mehr

Ö1: Exkursionen mit Musik – Leporello

Rainer Krispel: Musikarbeiter unterwegs. Rainer Krispel ist Musiker, Musikorganisator und Musikjournalist. Als solcher schreibt er seit Jahren in der Wiener Straßenzeitung Augustin über die Wiener Alternativ- und Popmusikszene. „Musikarbeiter unterwegs“ heißt die Kolumne, die Rainer Krispel gemeinsam mit dem Fotografen Mario Lang seit fünfzehn Jahren betreibt. 2006 zB waren sie begeistert von der Newcomerin Clara […] mehr